
Monday, June 11, 2007

Happy Birthday(s)!

So I wasn't sure I'd make it through the birthday weekend! I came down with a stomach bug on Thursday evening and collapsed into bed after getting home from work. Friday my stomach was better but overall I was stiff, sore, and tired. Oh well, it all got done and the family and kids had a great time. The only casualty of having 17 people in the house for presents was my big toe. I think it's broken, but there's not too much to do about that, except limp! LOL! I have pictures of my daughter and son at the birthday party and my daughter with the dress from grandma.

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh Jen! They are absolutly adorable!! My kid's b-days are right in a row too, but there is 6 years between them. It's gets more interesting the older they get too!
    Love your blog, it looks great!

    BarbWire Designs


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