Just wanted to share a sneek peek at one of the projects I've got nearly completed, woo-hoo.
I don't know if any of you remember having a "Pajama keeper" of any kind growing up...but I seem to remember something of the sort. Here's an example from one on Ebay...
It's kind of partly stuffed and an inside pouch with a zipper. The idea is that the kiddo can stuff the pajamas inside in the AM and there's no hunting for them at bedtime.
I can't seem to remember the exact ones from growing up, but here's a vintage cutie that might be similar.
Anyhow, we're getting tired of the PJ's being left on the floor in the bathroom, and this sounds like the perfect fix (and goes with my DS's Star Wars bedroom). I snagged some fleece at JoAnn Fabrics when it was on sale on Black Friday and appliqued to the white fleece background.
Just need to stuff it, whip stitch closed, and keep my DS from looking at the blog...or in the closets, etc! :)
What's up at your house?